Today Duma have passed in first reading bill which moves date when personal data law came into force from 1st Sep 2016 to 1st Jan 2015. Original law forbid storing any personal data of Russian users outside of Russia. "We need to speed up the law, it's not a secret that personal data is the object of attention of criminals and special services of Western countries." — says one of the authors, Alexandr Yushenko from Communists party. "And maybe we need to forbid all that social networks, as in Iran? Let everyone involved in amateur, go to the cinema, museums. They sit alone in that networks, or acquaint with somebody, and then follows sexual promiscuity. It's indeed dangerous, you just say an extra word — and then claim on you in court!" — says Vitaliy Zolochevsky, member of LDPR party. 438 votes for, 0 against, 0 abstained. Bill Voting results Report (in Russian) Another one (in Russian) -- GPG key: 0CE8 65F1 9043 2B11 25A5 74A7 1187 6869 67AA 56E4