juan juan.g71 at gmail.com Thu Sep 21 20:05:07 PDT 2017
I don't see how the pic is related
My sides, from laughing, pic is of robot laughing. Lol.
I would appreciate it if you didn't send megabytes of retarded spam like you do.
The pic is 170KB, modanon. I do not enjoy spam, even though I live in Hawaii.
sorry you are babbling nonsense. intellectual 'property' is not a right privileges Are Not Rights
gtfoh. You are asserting that only others can grant a person something, you authoritarian swine. A single and self governing person, or animal, can rightfully defend the possession of something it created. As is the creature's self-granted right. Using the word "privilege" only shows you support giving authority to others.
What a well thought rebuttal to my claims. Maybe you forgot that you aren't posting as the Rayzer or jnn but as Juan.
I am not Jewish.
you should stop saying stupid things?
Like "things I cannot see are not real, aylmao".
this isn't even half entertaining anymore. [I Quit!]
I get it. You are pic related. Well played, sir.