The correct title is "Chelsea Manning Is a Free Woman: Her Heroism Has Expanded Beyond Her Initial Whistleblowing". Oh, dear, you don't need to thank me for the correction. It's always a pleasure to help people with problems for reading and understanding texts! It happens with me too! :D Hey, here in my country, only losers and egocentrics use "Dr." before their name in their public email addresses. Technically, I can sign "Dr. Cecilia Tanaka", but it would simply sound pretentious and useless. If you need to say you are a "Dr." in a cypherpunks list, your self-esteem must be ridiculous and you need urgent psychological support. Here your knowledge and your curiosity are more important than empty titles. Please, worry more about your own dick instead crying because of Chelsea's penis, name, gender, skin colour, etc. This woman is a heroine. I don't care whether is a girl or a boy, but this amazing person, so young, so fragile and so brave, changed the world and deserves my complete respect and my most sincere wishes of happiness and peace. I loved Bradley and now I love Chelsea the same. When you love someone, you respect their choices, their personality, and in special their happiness. You don't need to love her, but respect her. All the human beings deserve respect.