On 08/31/2016 10:29 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:11:50PM -0600, Mirimir wrote:
On 08/31/2016 09:59 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Whilst those with any passion for actual political anarchy (aka direct democracy) are drowned out with rather pathetic psyop attempts at steering the conversation,
the space to inspire newcomers is white noise.
"Oh My God! How could the CIA say such stoopid things?!"
But folks need their emotional entertainment.
Dude, you mainly post boringly blatant propaganda. It's embarrassing.
I'll accept some responsibility for that.
My intention is always to raise "the public discourse", although my ability and methods fall well short, sadly.
Hey Zenaan, I apologize. I am pointedly apolitical, in the sense that it's a waste of time. I don't have much patience for debating anarchy. I just do whatever pleases me :)
The real questions and discussions we ought be having here - coordinating inspired groups, facilitating clarity on the fundamentals of political anarchism, these largely don't exist or are drowned out.
I'd like to see some substantive discussion of alternate anonymity systems. Maybe pointers to what's actually being implemented.
Right, mostly by your bullshit. And Juan's scatological blather.
Maybe someone ought to resurrect fcpunks ;)
<crap snipped>
Rather than blandly slathering my words in the email you replied to with your "crap" opinion, why not try to raise the discourse to your standard?
You know, statements such as "that's blatantly not true" or "I disagree with that, and say a) ... b) ... etc" ?
I don't have time for parsing one set of bullshit against another. It's all propaganda, from one player or another, and best ignored.
PLEASE, bring a "great" conversation! In my experience, that's one of the most challenging undertakings as a human, and my personal difficulty in achieving "useful/ relevant/ great..." conversations brings me to tears. But I don't have time for emotional bullshit, so I can do is keep trying to make a better start next time.
Please, make a better start. In fact, any start. Or continuation. I support your constructive and heartfelt intention to raise the dialogue.
OK. I'm playing with OnionCat. I've found that LizardFS can be tweaked to work reliably with OnionCat connections among nodes. I'm planning to test Freenet. Maybe even I2P. Wouldn't I2P overlay on Tor be a trip? Test onion: http://7vgt5knzxa2axuky.onion:8000/ Be patient, it can take quite a while to load.