NSA sent a Glomar for merely a count of P25 radios: ''' Count of the number of P25 capable radio units or systems in use by, or owned, or leased, or otherwise utilized by the agency. This includes any of the Motorola ASTRO APX P25 portables, Vertex Standard P25 portables, ICOM P25 portables, RELM Wireless P25 portables, Motorola MOTOTRBO DMR radios, and Mobile P25 Radios. This includes any P25 Phase 1 and Phase 2 capable radios. Please include yearly break-down by radio model, if available. Please include processing notes for this request, even if denied in part. ''' https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/p25count-20176/ NSA continues to exhibit oversight avoidance competence beyond most other agencies. :) best regards,