On 2020-11-16 06:10, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
Unter falscher Flagge
get it before the jewtube, silicon-valley-nazi-jews delete it.
All troofers are FBI shills. They casually invent lots of facts, and casually assume those facts as uncontroversial and universally accepted, for example that building seven fell straight down onto its foundations like a demolition, when in fact the fire fighters predicted it would fall down into the square to the south of it, due to massive damage to its south face caused by terrorists and the fire burning on its south face. And, in due course it did fall down into square to south of it, as predicted and expected by onlookers from the terrorist damage that they observed. The rubble pile was centered in the square, though it overlapped the foundations. But there is one striking fact supporting their narrative that they will never mention: That the FBI, in accordance with Mueller's orders, turned a blind eye to the terrorists when they were rather openly organizing the hijacking, which fact supports the troofer narrative that the terrorists organizing the hijackers were actors, rather than real terrorists. But when you engage a troofer in conversation, you can never get him to say anything negative about the FBI or Mueller. He will demonize military intelligence, but he will refuse to acknowledge any bad thing done by the FBI, which reveals who runs this shilling operation.