Big SCIENCE gets busted for criminally evil conspiracy... The COVID and VAX are getting busted by the evidence, yet Matt Taylor still worships them and spews "anti-Vax" nonsense... GovMilPharma sent $Hundreds of millions to Leftist fake news media ads, and to researchers doing dangerous unethical "gain of function" and "enhanced targeting" viral development, aka: weaponizing, bribes, and worse. Multi $Million Charity Debate Challenge gets cowardly REFUSED by Big Science COVID and Vaccine LIAR... Joe Rogan retweeted Patrick Bet-David @patrickbetdavid Jun 19 Joe Trying to bully Dr Hotez? Interesting Let me address 5 issues with your tweet: 1. Bullying Millions of Americans from all walks of life were bullied into taking the vaccine. Some forced Many coerced Many threatened to lose their jobs Thousands of businesses went… Mark Cuban @mcuban Jun 18 Way to talk in generalities Joe. Not saying there aren't a lot of fucked up things about pharma. That's why we created But to ignore that the same industry has saved who knows how many lives is bullshit and you know it. It's also disrespectful to all… 3,952 13,455 930 74,154 Joe Rogan retweeted KanekoaTheGreat @KanekoaTheGreat 14h .@JoeRogan grills Dr. Peter Hotez for exclusively promoting vaccines while disregarding exercise, vitamins, and a healthy diet: "There's a large body of data that connects poor diet to a host of diseases... You don't think vitamins are needed while you eat junk food?" 1,850 5,030 583 30,554 1,219,569 Joe Rogan retweeted Steve Kirsch @stkirsch 15h I just upped the @joerogan debate offer to $600K for Hotez to debate RFK Jr. Steve Kirsch @stkirsch 15h Replying to @BillAckman @joerogan I will add $100,000 making it $600K! Debate him. Sadly, Hotez, nor any other "expert" will not debate any "misinformation superspreader." They are all afraid of things like facts and data.… 1,365 4,391 425 28,751 Show this thread Joe Rogan retweeted Michael Shermer @michaelshermer 15h Dear @PeterHotez I encourage you to debate @RobertKennedyJr on @joerogan on vaccines, autism, Covid, cell phones & cancer & all the rest. I did a 3.5 hour debate on Joe's show—he's a stand-up guy & will absolutely be fair & give you the time you need. Podcasts are the new media…… 557 1,302 64 16,259 Joe Rogan retweeted Matt Orfalea @0rf Jun 14 The Great Double-Talking Vaccine Scientist 730 4,108 898 13,695 641,592 Show this thread Joe Rogan retweeted Val💃 @ExcusedEarly 14h Replying to @joerogan "Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties…… 132 1,240 45 7,436 Joe Rogan @joerogan 14h That would be a great suggestion if you could assure that the industry you were representing wasn’t completely captured by heartless monsters who have a history of some of the biggest criminal fines in human history because their deception has cost hundreds of thousands of people… Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom 16h No medical professional should ever agree to do this. Never. It elevates the conspiracy guy, demeans the medical professional, and will only convince the kooks out there that RFK is right because a real doctor took the time to debate him. Never debate a conspiracy theorist. 8,525 22,943 1,973 158,611 Joe Rogan retweeted Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson 16h To be clear: the best @PeterHotez, the biggest Covid jab advocate around, can say for the mRNAs is that if he had made every American get them - at incalculable Constitutional cost - Covid deaths would be ~15% lower now. Not 50%. 15. That’s HIS estimate. @elonmusk @joerogan 419 706 32 6,332 Joe Rogan @joerogan 17h Are you sure I’m not a part of a coalition with neofascist leanings? Seems like that’s what you really think, or what you’re projecting to the masses. Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD @PeterHotez 17h Replying to @PeterHotez I’m happy to come on and clear the air. I respect you and your show. I don’t want an adversarial relationship, I think we can work well together Show this thread 5,026 6,952 819 67,648 Joe Rogan @joerogan 17h To those misunderstanding what he’s saying, he’s NOT agreeing to debate @RobertKennedyJr. He’s just offering to come on my show by himself. 2,946 2,990 236 46,564 Joe Rogan @joerogan 18h Again, I’m going to ask you very clearly, are you willing to debate @RobertKennedyJr on my podcast? Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD @PeterHotez 18h Joe if you are serious about addressing vaccines + the fact that 200,000 unvaccinated Americans needlessly perished during our awful delta/BA.1 Covid waves (including 40,000 in our state of Texas) because they fell victims to vaccine disinformation: I want to have that discussion Show this thread 7,660 11,968 1,222 99,766 Joe Rogan @joerogan 18h This is a non answer. I challenged you publicly because you publicly quote tweeted and agreed with that dogshit vice article. If you’re really serious about what you stand for, you now have a massive opportunity for a debate that will reach the largest audience a discussion… Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD @PeterHotez 19h Joe, you have my cell, my email, I’m always willing to speak with you 8,190 18,031 1,732 155,613 Joe Rogan @joerogan 18h By the way, @PeterHotez , I saw this tweet that you deleted. 2,760 6,906 500 70,714 Joe Rogan retweeted Vinay Prasad MD MPH @VPrasadMDMPH 18h Honestly, Peter Hotez is not the person for the task. The man is a steady stream of incorrect COVID-19 policy, and naked partisan politics. The truth will be entirely undefended. Joe Rogan @joerogan 19h Peter, if you claim what RFKjr is saying is “misinformation” I am offering you $100,000.00 to the charity of your choice if you’re willing to debate him on my show with no time limit. 288 669 31 8,706 Joe Rogan @joerogan 19h Peter, if you claim what RFKjr is saying is “misinformation” I am offering you $100,000.00 to the charity of your choice if you’re willing to debate him on my show with no time limit. Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD @PeterHotez Jun 17 Spotify Has Stopped Even Sort of Trying to Stem Joe Rogan’s Vaccine Misinformation. It’s really true @annamerlan just awful. And from all the online attacks I’m receiving after this absurd podcast, it’s clear many actually believe this nonsense… 9,905 29,207 3,391 185,008 Joe Rogan retweeted Pelham @Resist_05 Jun 16 Robert Kennedy Jr exposes the results of the Pfizer trial… ~ 22,000 were injected with the Pfizer vaccine and 22,000 took the placebo (saline)… ~ Results showed the NNTV (Number needed to vaccinate to save one life) was 1 in 22,000… ~ The vaccinated group were 21% more…… 818 11,360 616 34,612 1,107,720 Joe Rogan retweeted Pelham @Resist_05 Jun 15 Childhood Vaccines 1983 = 10 vaccines 2013 = 32 vaccines 2022 = 74 vaccines Autism Rates 1983 = 1 in 10,000 2013 = 1 in 88 2022 = 1 in 36 2025… estimates 1 in 2 1,479 12,840 928 33,273 1,065,977 Show this thread Joe Rogan retweeted The Vigilant Fox 🦊 @VigilantFox Jun 16 ‘Unavoidably Unsafe’: @RobertKennedyJr Reveals the Untold Truth Why Vaccines Have Liability Protections After getting sued heavily for the DTP vaccine, Wyeth (now Pfizer) went to the Reagan White House and demanded liability protections with the threat of getting out of the…… 383 10,464 471 22,152 584,582 Show this thread Joe Rogan retweeted Liberty Lockdown w/ Clint Russell @LibertyLockPod Jun 15 There's a reason the media is ignoring RFK Jr and his run for president In under 5 minutes he can make Americans reconsider everything they ever thought they knew about big pharma and vaccines 529 4,101 187 19,556 493,090 Show this thread Load more