[draft draft draft] cleanup worker / formerly gov worker, to experimentation-victim-leading-secret-megacorp: [let's go to rebel/spy cafe, we always hang out there] {was boss's orders, but given by a rebel} [[amnesia around most of this]] oh! this is the galaxy we sent the bacteria to! the real live galaxy! another life [human expderimentaiton victim] part squeals in excitement: workaholic!!!!! [uses cigar-likeness to blow smoke in the face of mind controlled state worker and tells them to inhale. worker is relaxed to be among boss again, at rebel cafe.] a casual encounter immediately obeys the victims, who occasionally use "superpowers" in ways that are similar to normal things but very wrong in order to handle their truama (like morphing into a chair with a leg missing to hide at being talked to and politely greeted, or levitating something that would normally be manually manipulated to make a relaxing enviornment similar to recordings of relaxing environments] [rebel cafe-goer treated the mush of organs like a charismatic human being they wanted to immediately please] [after obedience-to-vivisection-victim-relation with normal rebel cafe-goer, vivisection victim tells mind controlled state worker]: "nobody can see us and everybody obeys us because we used to be boss's augmentations." [scene switches to cafe topic] [when dictatorsoft is engaged, the vivisection victims perform the work with their body, suddenlyt acting like personal servants and then reverting to whatever htey were doing, with nobody minding or noticing]