On 10/19/21, Douglas Lucas <dal@riseup.net> wrote:
He also had blood cancer, which significantly weakens the immune system, you reactionary coin-hoarding incel
On 10/19/21 03:51, grarpamp wrote:
Fox News anchor John Roberts panicked and deleted a tweet suggesting Colin Powell’s death ‘raises new concerns’ about Covid vaccine efficacy.
General Colin Powell, former secretary of state and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, died Monday from coronavirus.
Powell, 84, was fully vaccinated.
John Roberts fired off a tweet Monday that prompted immediate backlash from the Covidian cult.
“The fact that Colin Powell died from a breakthrough COVID infection raises new concerns about how effective vaccines are long-term.” – Roberts tweeted Monday morning before deleting the post.
Perhaps Roberts’ handlers at Fox weren’t too happy he questioned Big Pharma.
Another lurking wanker pops up just now from out of nowhere trying to tweet out a top-posted block-quoted wannabe science and smack oneliner, on a trivial dead body, after having nothing to say on years of Corona subject posts... try harder, lol. The wonder vax didn't work and he died, along with everyone else who died post-vax, end of story. But it "works" so weird flex and fire hundreds of millions of humans from their jobs... and all the rest of the utter Corona bullshit the last two years. And anyone who looks will note the graphs of lockdown/mask dates vs cases/deaths don't correlate well. Same for vax population percent vs death rates. So someone's been lying for two years, and it isn't the data. Check the politicians and power freaks of globalism. Choose what works for you, and leave everyone else the fuck alone to choose for themselves.