19 Mar
19 Mar
10:39 p.m.
Dnia środa, 19 marca 2014 16:41:48 Juan Garofalo pisze:
--On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:48 AM +0100 rysiek
<rysiek@hackerspace.pl> wrote:
Dnia środa, 19 marca 2014 04:10:03 Lodewijk andré de la porte pisze:
Well, it seems obvious to me that they flew to high and accidentally escaped gravity.
Well, close, but no bone. They *did* fly too high, but that got them too close to the sun, and shit just started to melt.
That's why wings made out of wax should be banned.
I guess it depends on how close to the sun you get. -- Pozdr rysiek