2024-0307 1609 karl’s practice journal 7 i’m in washington state rn, i’m (oo uh um oops! ) thinking of eating supper at soup kitchen in (oops!) i think um well i guess around 5 (let’s check when it is. resources say 5p-6p 25min drive so we could leave at 5 i guess, 4:35 safer. 415 right now. ) ok i think whewwwwwwwwwww wow whew oops! i guess — oops! we’re really tense (satisfaction-realisation !) we’re tense. ooog. ummmmm oops! ok so if we get into a “spamming” state it’s more likely to miss supper. i guess i’ll um ( … we could put (a timer?)) ((hmmm … timer …. hmm ….)) ( why is enforcers so grumpy?) ((same old i think. tried to be less grumpy. it is nice for less grumpy. nicer for karl :) 1618 goal is journal i’m afraid :s btw i think we’ve been exposed to how to use journal to help. basically i think we want to form communication with insiders :s but umm hmm uhh ((insiders talk so fast but karl doesn’t remember anything what do we do??? ??? (((work with forgetters i bet :) forgetters in silence-enforcer group maybe. then in silence-enforcer group, maybe work with partpeople who um um enforce the silence and forgetting by result rather than intent :) not the obsessive words. “oh no you have to (do bad thing)” don’t energize them maybe book would help but some of us bet a therapist just made it up maybe book makes sense karl oop um we’re thinking of copying in information on how to talk to parts (did we get to that yet? uncertain. we’ve seen a lot of it …) i um was planning um on (reading the book over and over :) not everyone is on board some are. maybe um hrm take notes ? maybe take notes when reading book. useful notes. maybe we can help :s :) 1623 1624 i’m scared that a therapist won’t validate my experience of layers of radical pretention because the expressors (are so believable) (we’re excited you (named an “expressor” group of insiders ) :) ) well um [maybe um but for forming um …]