Too little, too late, try harder Australia...
Meanwhile Austria's Schallenberg Govt goes full Nazi on the people... Austria "Just Days Away" From Unleashing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated https://www.thelocal.at/20211111/upper-austria-to-introduce-lockdown-for-the... https://www.rt.com/news/539515-austria-ban-unvaccinated-bars/ https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1459230516155232264 Austria's chancellor on Friday said that the government would give the go-ahead for a lockdown for unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide. “Our aim is clear: we want on Sunday to give the green light for a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told a press conference. This would mean people without proof of 2G (full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19) would be unable to leave their homes except for essential reasons. He described Austria’s vaccination rate - just 65% of the population is fully vaccinated against Covid-19 - as “shameful”. A lockdown for the unvaccinated was proposed on Thursday by the governor of Upper Austria, the region with the highest Covid-19 incidence rates, pending legal approval from the government. Also on Thursday, Austria’s Corona Commission warned of a “serious threat to medical care” for the whole population and recommended that a lockdown for the unvaccinated should be introduced nationwide. Schallenberg did not confirm whether the lockdown would apply in the whole country or only for the highest incidence regions , but said he was in favour of “a nationwide solution”. Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein confirmed the lockdown would apply at least in Upper Austria and Salzburg, the two highest incidence regions. Both regions had already announced tighter Covid restrictions this week in response to the severe strain on the healthcare sector, including extending the FFP2 mask mandate, banning the sale of alcohol at Christmas markets, and cancelling most large events over the next few weeks. It is not yet clear exactly how the lockdown would work, nor how it would be enforced. People without proof of 2G (either full vaccination or a recent recovery from Covid-19) would only be allowed to leave their homes under certain circumstances, similar to previous lockdowns for the general population, such as work or essential shopping and exercise. Schallenberg reiterated previous statements that the government had no intention of bringing in another general lockdown. “According to the incremental plan, we actually have just days until we have to introduce the lockdown for unvaccinated people,” Schallenberg said, adding that the restrictions mean “one cannot leave one’s home unless one is going to work, shopping (for essentials), stretching one’s legs – namely exactly what we all had to suffer through in 2020.” One of the challenges of such a differentiated lockdown is how checks will be enforced. Schallenberg addressed this in his comments on Friday, telling reporters: “We do not live in a police state. We cannot and do not want to check every street corner.” The announcement comes as Austria continues to report some of the highest Covid-19 incidence rates in Europe, with two of its nine regions’ seven-day incidence rates (new cases per 100,000 people) above the 1,000 mark. What could go wrong? OMG! https://t.co/r4vaw4NmfO — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 12, 2021 Austria Moves Closer To Imposing Lockdown On The Unvaccinated https://summit.news/2021/11/06/austria-moves-closer-to-imposing-lockdown-on-... https://summit.news/2021/10/25/austria-threatens-new-lockdown-for-the-unvacc... Austria has moved closer to imposing a full lockdown on the unvaccinated after those who haven’t had the jab were banned from entering a long list of public spaces. “The entry ban will come into effect next week and will apply to cafes, bars, restaurants, theaters, ski lodges, hotels, hairdressers and any event involving more than 25 people,” reports RT. The measures will impact the 36 per cent of residents who haven’t been fully immunized and have been introduced in response to rising COVID cases. “The evolution is exceptional and the occupancies of intensive-care beds are increasing significantly faster than we had expected,” said Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg. After providing a four week buffer period for those who have received one dose of the vaccine and can provide a negative PCR test, the option to provide a negative test will be removed. As we highlighted last month, the government has put a limit on the occupancy of intensive care units which, if breached, will trigger lockdown measures being imposed solely on the unvaccinated. Once the number reaches 600, or one third of total capacity, the new rules will be triggered. That number now stands at 352 but is rising by 10 per day. Such measures will extend beyond vaccine passports, mandating that people who are unjabbed stay at home and only leave for “essential” reasons such as buying food. This will probably be enforced in a similar way to how the first lockdown was enforced, with police performing spot checks on people asking if they have permission to be outside. Austria would be the first major country to exclusively impose ‘stay at home’ measures on the unvaccinated, but it could eventually be replicated elsewhere, despite the waning immunity that the vaccine itself offers.