Rebel Worker 2 sits, looking at photos of himself he's had printed.
Each has notes below them.
One reads, "I open the skull of a technical specialist in front of a little girl, and place a device inside, leaving without closing the surgery."
The picture above the note looks like a photo of Rebel Worker 2 standing -- or is he sitting? -- near a healthy worker with their skull completely closed. No little girl is to be seen.
Three pins are on the photo, a label on each pin. One is at about the middle of the photo, and the label says "open skull, exposed brain, circuitry". This pin appears to be placed at some empty floor tile.
Another pin is off to the side, about where it seems as if the healthy worker with their skull completely closed is. This pin is labeled "me" .
The third pin is where Rebel Worker 2 appears to be sitting -- or is he standing?. This third pin is labeled "little girl."
Rebel Worker 2 covers most of the picture with his hands except for the pin labeled "open skull, exposed brain, circuitry". Suddenly that region of the picture looks very gruesome, as if partway through a brain surgery.
Rebel Worker 2: "This is a picture from a brain surgery. I thought I was looking at a surveillance photo of myself in a bathroom."
Rebel Worker 2 lifts their hands to reveal the notes below the photo. When he does so, the picture again appears innocuous.