that for corruption to spread that far, it must be pervasive throughout society, not through some separate thing called "the State." Which means if the State is really that corrupt, revolution may well be impossible, and the only solution may be war by other states.
first to global netwar win retains ever-after dominance? perhaps an ever more empowered individual gives world time; need only wait for fight by the right watermeatbag to fill the role demanded...
... Instead, revolution will happen not because the State is extremely corrupt, since that would require a corrupt society, but because it is weak and the people perceive it as corrupt.
i get what you're laying down. i'm voting for Bernie too... *grin*
.... hrrm .....
In the forward of an obscure book I've started reading, The Omega Seed by Paolo Soleri, the forward author talks about how the Christians, instead of continually trying to fight ineffectual revolts against the Romans as their Jewish forebears had, instead focused on building communities. I think we need to focus not only on building communities where we're connected to one another, but where we're strongly connected to people around us who may not share our exact beliefs.
indeed. i've enjoyed great conversation with people across every corner of the political spectrum. there's more than enough common ground to go around, if we can get past the habit forming narcotic of outrage pr0n on media propaganda lambdas...
one side effect of such ideological purity purges in intelligence community is the erosion of technical talent and capability. drunk twice over on offensive suites too sweet for non-discreet, now is reckoning with interest past due!
Well, doesn't this really mean we should be voting for Trump to really get the purges going?