OK, so the inglorious but useful could-be-a-jew by DHA Jordan Peterson is on a conscience purge failure path right now. For those who cannot tolerate hypocrisy, let alone alone failure to uphold free speech and possibly genuine debate on a, --literal--, "Free Speech Panel", Jordan Peterson's schtick is wearing bloody thin these days. Peterson is very proud of the fact he makes a lot of money. OK. Good for him. Yes I agree with his response that "it's not easy to make a lot of money", but to create just another bloody proprietary platform, which is subscription based to boot, in some vain attempt to purge his Faith Goldy madness, appears to some as arrogant indeed. To actually embrace his inner fashtag, Peterson needs to learn a little about FLOSS software, why it is necessary, and why it is the only possible option for anything remotely approaching "secure" or "protecting of any fundamental right". Peterson has yet to have much besides literal squirming in response to kicking Faith Goldy ("uninviting" her) off of a Free Speech discussion panel, at a university campus no less!: https://duckduckgo.com/html?q=jordan%20peterson%20goldie%20free%20speech%20p... Perhaps Peterson does not understand technology - this is the most generous interpretation we can advance him for a moment, in which case he has been surrounded by those who either also don't know, or are uniquely (not) incapable of communicating with Peterson in such a way as to influence him to comprehend a few basics in relation to human rights and freedoms. A less generous interpretation is that Peterson's hypocrisy is deeply embedded into his psyche to the point that he is untouched by any around him who (possibly, if they exist around him) are able to express to him certain fundamentals of human rights, freedoms, the necessity of such rights and freedoms, and the relationship of these rights and freedoms to FLOSS software. I for one welcome a shiny new proprietary pay-to-use platform for social media. Not. Peterson has a not insignificant following for his common sense "how to brush your teeth" advice, and this following will likely bring forth the natural lessons which will follow from any successful launch of this shiny new proprietary pay to use social media platform. I only wish the lessons could be learnt in a simple conversation here on Cypherpunks or elsewhere, rather than in yet another multi year, drawn out proprietary corporate experience... like we need more of -that- before we can agree on the basics of human rights and freedoms. Oh well, Peterson is human too and is therefore entitled to the same journey we all are entitled to. Jordan Peterson Close To Launching "Anti-Censorship" Social Media Platform https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-13/jordan-peterson-close-launching-an... Psychologist and author Jordan B. Peterson announced this week that progress on Thinkspot, his subscription-based "anti-censorship" social media platform, has the project closer to launch. Peterson and his team are beta testing the product, which he calls “an intellectual playground for censorship-free discourse”, according to the Washington Times. It comes at a time when social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest have been accused of arbitrarily enforcing vague terms of service and overreaching in their left-wing biased policing of their respective platforms. “Announcing Thinkspot: a new online communication platform (as promised post-Patreon),” Peterson wrote Wednesday on Facebook. ... On the June 9 Joe Rogan podcast, Peterson describes platform by saying: “Once you’re on our platform we won’t take you down unless we’re ordered to by a US court of law.” I guess that's an improvement over Jougle and Twatter. Bah!