I may be responding to a troll posting, but it's a fun one, so... On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 12:14 AM, Troy Benjegerdes <hozer@hozed.org> wrote:
On Sat, Aug 02, 2014 at 07:47:39PM +0200, Lodewijk andré de la porte wrote:
2014-08-02 19:28 GMT+02:00 Fernando Paladini <fnpaladini@gmail.com>:
It's a joke, keep calm :P
What if they actually did give that respect, but it's all been propaganda'ed into oblivion?
The Soviets had some damned good engineers and scientists, and their designs
(soyuz) are still flying. The space program of the leader of the free world keeps giving more money to defense contractors. Now tell me again who won the space race? The Soviets also had some damned bad engineers and scientists. Someone in an ivory tower decides soaking seeds before planting them will make them grow better, the state requires it, seeds mold in the ground. How many die because Soviet science didn't come as an option? How foreign was the concept of a flush toilet to Soviet troops who ripped them off the walls when invading westward? They baffled that the toilets ceased working when leaned against a tree or a tent. Basic conveniences were utterly foreign to any but the heads of state and their chosen pets. Even where they had advances that compared to what was available in the west, it hardly mattered to most of the population. As to the space program, at their pinnacle they end up copying the Space Shuttle and other US projects, right down to the placement of left-handed screws. What lesson were we meant to draw here?
War is peace, freedom is slavery, and Carl Marx was right about from each according to his ability, to each according to his need. This is proven by the market penetration of the GPLv2 linux kernel. Capitalists need high quality softare, and they cannot afford the capital to own something that actually works.
GPL has little to nothing to do with Marx. GPL relies entirely on private ownership of intellectual property for its enforcement. Private property is GPL's very foundation. And nobody is compelled to use GPL licensed software, or to agree to a GPL license. Those who do enter into an agreement aren't even required to redistribute their changes unless they redistribute the derivative product. There's no compulsory communal property here, no Marx. Observe that generally, one can set up GPL and various other forms of voluntary communal contracts under capitalism. But that doesn't make capitalism communist/Marxist. It does make capitalism the more flexible system. One in which the GPL linux kernel is indeed doing well, along with countless privately owned projects.