regarding turing machines many thoughts passed, but something around solving a branch of the halting problem being akin not only to cryptography but also to solving all of math — it can seem like you basically need to solve more of mathematics than the pathological program did, to figure out what it’s going to do. similarities with evolution of life. basically, some things appear impossible, but by pursuing these things we find so much more, and there is mysterious meaning in there. but it doesn’t look li’e the halting problem would be trivially solveable, even if the pointed pathological program situation were addressed, because of the unsolvedness of all of math. but most of the spaces we work in are ones where our small plans complete. that’s what!s useful to us. so, there’s a lot usefulness in predicting how likely something is to halt — and we can probably solve things within that space of usefulness because we’re incredibly familiar with it. the turing meta algebra seems interesting for a lot of things and i’m realizing this is likely something studied in computer science in order to prove the behavior of programs. making it probabilistic etc would overlap with the real world and AI, and making it self-referential helps make things robust and make self-improving systems, and maybe this was a confusion turing bumped it, it’s hard to think of that. a great fear or excitement in some spaces of systems that take off incredibly. i suspect we have experienced such things already, and badly need to study and discuss them to relax around them. hard to include, i suppose there is s9me other way i want to engage or mentjon it.