On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 07:20:10AM +1000, jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
On 2020-11-16 10:21, Karl wrote:
I don't see any need to exclude _people_.
On 11/16/20, jamesd@echeque.com <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
Good people have to exclude bad people, because if they do not, they
On 2020-11-17 01:54, Karl wrote:
Those aren't good people! They're randomly blaming these other people for things that happened near them.
Observe what happened to open source projects when they adopted a code of conduct.
Whites had to flee Detroit because blacks were burning their homes down around their ears while police stood around like potted palms.
If you let bad people in, they will drive out at the good people, and we can see them driving out the good people. Peoples homes in Detroit did not spontaneously catch fire. Similarly, if you have been following the Debian drama. Those bad things did not "just happen near" the good people. Bad people did bad things to good people.
This. Thank you James. Evil exists within humans, the only question is what we do prior to, during and after, both in the face of our own evil, and in the face of the evil of others. Those with low IQ too often reduce themselves to ever greater attempts to cause others to reduce themselves to the same low IQ and sociopathic positions they hold, in the face of their own failures and their own failure to do the work required to raise their own standard. Quite pathetic really. Some such as "professor rat" (with apologies to rats) would gladly see the Linuses, RMSes and Debian developers "offed" rather than merely "shunned" (literally from "their own" communities which they literally built) as, according to these APsters, that's merely 'collateral damage' and as he stated a day or three ago, "well worth that price". Not everyone agrees with this communist/ leftist "not my culture"al cleansing (genocide machine) Marxist manifesto of course, but that never stopped the massacres - he's right about that part at least: once the rubicon is crossed, war literally finds you, personally. Also note that the "pro rat" high priest of Assassination Politics demands we take his creed as the "truth", and his "guaranteed 'good' outcome eventually", and he completely ignores the few simple concerns and qustions raised, and instead attempted a character assassination on the questioner. Rather than handle the ball, he attacked the man. How weak is that... He failed to even -attempt- to respond meaningfully to any of the 6+1+1=8 fundamental named fail points/ questions/ concerns, re his "glorified and hailed AP" blood revolution "guaranteed to work this time". Really. That is, he utterly failed to handle the ball ... of his own conversation!, and instead attacked the man who asked a few questions as I did. In other words instead of even a hint of ANY meaningful response to the questions, "professor rat" promptly attacked my character, and soon after "apparently" added me, publicly, personally to his "assassinations for which I have paid some money towards" list (how true his loud barking is, is anybody's guess). This is a classic tactic of sociopaths - attack the man, do not handle the ball (even when it's your own) - nothing but pure power and murder as and when needed, "the means justifies the ends, please trust me religiously that the ends will be good". Quite pathetic really - demonstrating that he is a bully, a coward, AND an intellectual fraud. ... Now queue an even bigger bark about even moar money added to my hitlist ledger, from professor rat, now that he is again being called out on his "trust me, THIS time the blood letting will FINALLY work, I promise you, really truly the revolution has not been properly tried before" bullshit: please forget Pol Pot, ignore the rivers of Bolshevik blood, and don't even -think- about Idi Amin - no THIS time the Marxist revolution is going to work, saith Professor Rat the High Priest of assassination politics. Good luck fellow Souls, keep your eyes open, listen carefully, and stay ahead of the curve,