US-Boston Goes Full Authoritarian Vax Retard Mandated Loss of Bodily Autonomy and Free Choice... is Slavery Boston Joins League of Cities Requiring COVID Passports Although she was lauded for being elected as Boston's first female person of color to be elected as the city's mayor, Michelle Wu's first major act of office is anything but paradigm shifting. Wu's office announced that the city of Boston will require proof of vaccination in certain indoor spaces beginning on January 15, 2022, following in the foot steps of mayors of several cities across the country. That January deadline requires adults in the city to prove they have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination to enter bars, nightclubs, gyms, entertainment venues, and to eat indoors. The single dose requirement is the initial phase of the vaccine passport policy that has been dubbed the B Together Initiative. The second stage of the initiative takes effect one month later on February 15 when proof of full vaccination will be required instead. These same requirements will be thrust upon employees of these businesses. The announcement from Wu's office went into further detail regarding the means by which the mandate will be enforced. CDC vaccine cards, their images, and vaccine verification apps will allow patrons to meet those requirements. These forms of proof of vaccination are to be accepted while the city of Boston undertakes the development of its own vaccine passport app. Over the last month, the state of Massachusetts has seen a significant rise in cases of COVID-19 as the omicron variant has since emerged. Whether this is the result of the variant's increased transmissibility or a by-product of conflicting public health data is yet to be seen. Nevertheless, it's a total that will surely rise given factors like the Biden administration's increased testing efforts and big pharma's acknowledgement that existing vaccines are not effective at preventing cases of COVID-19 from the omicron variant. With the newest mutation of the virus accounting for 73% of new cases nationwide, Boston's B Together Initiative leaves the question of how increased vaccination requirements will lead to a reduction in cases. That majority share of newly diagnosed cases rose to 73% from just about 10% the previous week. New cases attributed to the delta variant of the virus were said to have made up 99% of that statistic just 2 weeks ago. If and when the omicron variant achieves that near but complete hold on newly diagnosed cases, the impact of vaccine requirements should prove to have even less of an effect given the under-performance of vaccines on the newest variant. Even with its increased share, there has only been one death attributed to an omicron case of COVID-19. That fatality was reported out of Harris County, Texas, where state health officials remarked that the deceased was an unvaccinated man over 50 will several pre-existing health conditions. As more and more data conveying that the omicron variant is much more mild than previous iterations of the virus, the chasm between reality and state-sanctioned science grows exponentially larger. Before announcing it's proof of vaccination requirement, the city of Boston had already imposed an indoor mask mandate, citing that the CDC asserts that "the best protection against COVID-19 is both to get vaccinated and to wear a mask until the spread of COVID-19 in the community is suppressed." Yet, despite that mandate the city's case count continues to raise. The answer? Another mandate. Rhyme or reason have clearly gone out the window long ago. Boston joined Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City in this delusion despite evidence showing that requiring proof of vaccination has had no observable impact on reducing new cases when compared to other cities. Even more speciously, Wu's office has declared that no proof of identification is even needed to substantiate that the proof of vaccination being presented by patrons actually belongs to them. That contradiction makes Boston's proof of vaccination campaign appear to be a politically motivated ploy to appease the healthcare intelligentsia apparatus from a mayor looking to cement a nascent political career more than anything else. While some European nations have taken a much more authoritarian approach by mandating vaccines among their general population, that political tide has yet to wash over the United States as uncertainty surrounding the Biden Administration's mandate on workers still hangs in limbo. While the federal government has not been able to impose proof of vaccination requirements across the nation as rigorously as cities like Boston and New York have, the momentum those metropolises have built wages a war of attrition against the unvaccinated by treating them as second class citizens or coercing them into a decision predicated upon their livelihoods. For those who are committed to autonomy over their body's and self-determination, an exodus from Boston could soon be on the horizon.