On 11/22/20, Cari Machet <carimachet@gmail.com> wrote:
I am black block But I am not one dimensional
Black bloc left, and the ruthless oligarchs, are both dispicable. They both rape and destroy to keep for themselves, one literally steals, the other frauds away, one violates private property, the other teeters on falling from too much, both force, both kill, and neither mature enough to give to charity. Both should die. Peace love libertarian voluntary anarchism with personal local charity to assist those who cannot (which is far more than animal kingdom does, of which humans are still DNA programmed and a part of) if you want to smooth over chances at problems, in many areas actually. No government, no politic, no system, no force, as all are false and have been tried before, will ever work... but what is guided from within, and with others, freely, voluntarily, with some sense of responsibility for the full circle of what you create coming back to you and yours.