Sent below at 1249a today. Below is paste from draft thread, for revising/adding. Basically vivisectees have been forced to be completely obedient against their will without regard to their consciousnesses, and have had few ways of talking about or acting on this. It is generally considered not very easy nor normal to recover something that has been put into an incinerator, although a computer algorithm could reconstruct shredded paper. this is a spampost for writing an mcboss scene i'm imagining the scene has an experimentee at the cafe, interacting with people who can see them for the first time. people say nice things to the vivisectee that they have never before heard, and these things are expressed clearly for readers. idea of rejected-superpower-request, where vivisectee dialogue might be translated to emotional gibberish: "woah! you can make stuff float! make me float!" "omigod! no! that's the kind of stuff the researchers would force us to do for months and months! I don't want to make anything float ever again! do you have any idea how hard it is to make something float? imagine you are having your muscles and organs pulled out by machines, and they pull just a little harder whenever you stop trying to make things float, and stop pulling when you find a way to mess with the surrounding lab equipment to somehow slightly push something just a little tiny bit, and then start ripping you apart again if you don't try to make it move even farther! ok? look. here's your head. here's your tongue. imagine there is a robot claw piercing your tongue, slowly pulling it out of your head ..." "ok ok omigod I get the picture" and months! I don't want to make anything float ever again! do you have any idea how hard it is to make something float? meant to have like "I can barely control when I suddenly make things float" possible nice thing example: "man I wish I had a seat here." [shapes themselves into a chair] "oh no! nobody should ever have to be sat on by somebody else!" <something about memory wiping> <<opens blockchain story>> "we've been sending the surveillance tapes to the [galactic ...] have you been watching us?" "surveillance tapes?" "yes! the ones you took out of the shredders and incinerators!" "omigod this petri dish is me. that is totally my body!" "you're beautiful" problem: I don't know how to move mcboss scene thoughts around well enough to be sure how to summarise them out of a spamthread. maybe just paste the whole thing into the morning spam thread, unsure. maybe I can mention it in the thread, and find it again to refine it .. or maybe paste it with a note to revise/add.