[ED.: given some states pursuing severe charges for merely reporting
this information, it seems not entirely disingenuous to position ones
self in positive light]
Among the many things I have grown to detest about the Snowden Leaks
spectacle is that for every heavily redacted page that’s been revealed
— a meagre ~300 pages in five months according to Cryptome.org — we
rubes seem to get at least twenty, sometimes very stern, lessons in
proper whistleblowing from the the Leaker, the Leak Keepers, the Leak
Keeper inner circle, and soldiers in the sycophant army that doltishly
parrot and hype everything these people say. The lesson is as follows:
1. Don’t ever just dump your leaks on the internet.
2. Make sure your leaks are properly vetted and mediated by proper
mainstream journalists.
This lesson is often, perhaps even usually, stated as, or with, some
variation of the following:
Don’t be like Chelsea Manning and Wikileaks, that is, indiscriminate,
reckless and dangerous to both national security and human life...