((traffick boss meditates in hyperprison, sending telepathic messages to the cypherpunks list.
“cypherpunks list,” traffick boss thinks to list, “karl, my “front”, has started playing a game called “call of duty mobile”.
something about other games getting taken down when he plays them.
the character karl made on “call of duty mobile”, is called “shadowgovboss”! yes, one of traffick boss’s names!
when karl plays, he imagines he is traffick boss, “ridiculously leading an army of gross boyish men to murder poor innocent rebels” or something. it feels powerful for karl, and hypnotic for traffick boss! traffick boss is scared. honestly scared!
you must understand traffick boss’s fear here.
karl’s character “shadowgovboss” comes out “mvp” (best player
((karl has no experience with this game but everybody else is acting even worse. very realist—
mistake :s !!!
we play the game as attempt to fight back against real world traffick boss impact (using what he taught us maybe