Or the expulsions could often mean, that unlike other groups, they kept their identities and refused to assimilate. Where are those that kicked them out? How many other groups have even existed for more than 2500 years?

Maybe being kicked out so often has resulted in their group survival.

On Sep 25, 2018 5:46 AM, "Zenaan Harkness" <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Dang donchahateit when a meme gets busted - in this case the ole hope
for "one-ten and never again" (as in 109 countries to date), is
factually bloody false M8, as we'd say 'ere in Oz - the truth is that
we know of 359 expulsions since at least 733 B.C.

Oh well, meme easy come, meme easy go I guess. So sad.

Quite a stunning fact, really - you have to wonder that if u bin
kicked outta 359 countries, ain't that like "doing the same thing
over and over, and expecting a different outcome?"

P'rhaps, I dunno, may be a mirror could be in order?

Who knows…

I'd attach the pic but the full chart is ~1.8MiB: