I *gather* (without much attribution/citation wise) that it'll be pseudo-client-side, with lists of topics being downloaded from Mozilla, and click-data being (poorly) obfuscated in return as "user clicked *some link in this set*". Not impressed, at all. This is a pattern, though; 1. Organisation wins favour by appealing to technically competent people who recommend organisation's product to less technically competent friends and family. 2. Organisation's user-base grows and organisation refocuses on a generally-applicable brand. Hackers still happy because decline takes time. 3. Organisation starts ignoring early-adopters and hacker-advocates who made it popular to begin with. Hackers ditch it. 4. Organisation coasts along on existing lay-customer-base for ages. 5. Organisation is replaced by an upstart that probably wins favour through early adopters and hacker-advocates. People don't listen to geeks on the "important" stuff, like "Don't post your credit card selfie to twitter", but when they want a recommendation for a good web browser, chat client, or model of phone, they do. And companies forget this the moment they've crested that wave. On 27/05/15 09:22, rysiek wrote:
Dnia środa, 27 maja 2015 11:35:08 Lodewijk andré de la porte pisze:
It's fine if it's client side. They can make it client side.
Not holding my breath, though...
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