On 4/18/22, punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
ARPANET VPN that your ARPANET using hypocrite self pays
oh yes, I even pay for your technonazi monopoly. Just like I pay for MY roads.
Juan, the self appointed best example Anarchist for all mankind, admits to supporting and paying directly into the coffers of the "technonazi monopoly", and into his beloved Government "Nazis" for "his roads" that his Govt will obviously shoot him for attempting to claim. There is not any collective, rhetorical, voluntary, social or business or individual, or any other way of honestly using "my" to describe that situation, not until you get rid of that problem. And since you refuse to describe your utopia and suggested reading material and means of getting there, no one will see, follow, or help you with anything that might get closer. Apparently your utopia consists of being asshole. That is something no one wants. Either fuck off with that, or become more invitable. Till then enjoy another stint in noise folder.