On 09/05/2016 11:39 AM, Stephen D. Williams wrote:
On 9/5/16 8:13 AM, Razer wrote:
On 09/04/2016 10:30 PM, Zenaan Harkness quoted, I believe John Young:
That sounds like what cypherpunks was set up to combat, the withdrawal from politcial affairs into safe sanctuary of infallible mathematics...
My take on the Cypherpunks charter:
Cypherpunks exists to promote free speech, establish that free speech includes the freedom to have secure private speech, and to explore how this can be accomplished. In support of this, to understand implications of technology-enabled free speech and the technical, commercial, and political moves needed to protect free speech.
What this does not include is promoting or bashing particular political systems or plotting their demise or constantly going on about insane nonsense. We've seen that train wreck before, Lance.
That's how ALL the problems start. Cloistering and it's whorehouse, Academia.
Stephen D. Williams
Nearly all problems come from ignorance. Celebrating ignorance is ignorant.
Peer Review is the main root of the ignorance I see in Academia. Modern education in the US and much of Europe is not much more than indoctrination, and peer-review enforces a situation where only vetted indoctrinators may address the inquiring and malleable minds of young people. Including inculcating such nonsense as 'patriotism' to a government and flag instead of their neighboring humans near and far. Sociopolitical beliefs inculcated in those minds that make them conform like sheeple without questioning why they're designing graphics chips for predator drones instead of some more humanistic pursuit for instance. Politics IS INTRINSICALLY a part of cyberpunk-ing. Or you could just ejumicate a bunch of people who do nothing more than plant bots for the US government on 'unfriendly nations' computers. Sorry that's not punk That's 'working for the man', and that's why ioerror was forced out. A fed infestation at torproject left the 'punk' "exposed" and alone (or without friends in a position to take immediate action to defend him) to be vilified. Cypberpunks discuss politics and I think Zenaan's [War] tagging posts, for instance, is a more than an adequate way of filtering if you have no interest. I mean, are you paying for your internet by the byte or what? Not seeing that problems almost universally are the result of
ignorance and then complaining about those who work to rise above ignorance is ignorant. Sometimes well-studied people make mistakes or are ignorant outside of their narrow focus. Ignorant people constantly make profound mistakes and often breed more ignorance. There is nothing to celebrate there.
If you are ignorant, you are being manipulated. You are essentially helpless, a pawn in somebody's plan. It's cute how those who are gradually becoming aware suddenly see how they are being controled and oppressed, but usually have a gaping understanding gap. Teenagers are sure that their parents are controlling and oppressing them. (And they often are, but often not in the way that a teenager thinks.) A college kid who first reads Rand is sure they completely understand how the world works in clear black and white. People reading conspiracy theories and bits of history think they completely understand the nefarious mechanics of the world. Plausible and possible become certainties, resistant to facts and first-hand knowledge and even common sense. Tiresome nonsense, endlessly repeated. OFF TOPIC.
Einstein said if he had known what they were going to do with his theoretical works he would have never cooperated.
Don't be "Einstein".
Don't be the ignorant people he was complaining about.
Einstein was talking about himself. He was IGNORANT of what they were doing with his math and work. That's what happens when you cloister yourself. Science DOES NOT EXIST in a political vacuum and neither should scientists, or coders. Unless of course you "Work for the man". They REQUIRE it. Rr