Freedom is a choice... some live, stand for, and die in it... dreamers at times they may be. Yet those who force others are never free. https://nypost.com/2022/01/05/anti-mandate-activist-kelly-ernby-was-not-vacc... Orange County Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby fought against mandates and believed it was an individual’s choice. Don Wagner, a local official and friend of the late deputy DA, told the Register that they were united in believing that “it is the choice of the individual to get vaccinated.” He said he and his family had been vaccinated — and losing a friend who had not been did not change his belief that it was a personal decision, not one to be mandated by the government. Nearly 70 percent of OC residents are fully vaccinated, and the government “browbeating” people into a decision will just further polarize them, Wagner told the paper.