interesting rejection technique on this one: first, reply with status of "Request received and being processed" one month after submission. Aha! inside is a Glomar rejection. . . . wait FIVE MONTHS . . 'This email pertains to the automated status of case FOIA 81798. Our records indicate that a final response was mailed to you on 14 August 2015 and the case was then closed. We have no further updates or information to provide you concerning this case.' nice trick, NSA! - https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/backhack-19811/#com... best regards, and believe me, i will discover FOIA satisfaction for Any and all records, reports, tasking, mitigations, redesigns, post-mortems, and any other responsive materials related to compromise of "Tor" and/or "Tor Browser Bundle" and/or "Tor Vidalia Bundle" leading to breach of NSANet, JWICS, SIPRNet, and also including joint activities with access to FBINet and SCION where compromise of Tor resulted in attacker attaining access to, or potentially gaining access to these networks. Note that Tor may be incorrectly capitalized as "TOR"; please do a case insensitive search. Specific date of compromise is between July 30th 2007 and Aug. 2nd 2007; date provided to aid search efforts. CVE assigned to vulnerability is CVE-2007-4174 and provided to aid search efforts. Subject announcing vulnerability is "Tor security advisory: cross-protocol http form attack" and provided to aid search efforts. Please include results spanning the Cryptologic Services Groups, the National Security Operations Center (NSOC), the Information Assurance Directorate, the Research Associate Directorate, the Signals Intelligence Directorate, the Technology Directorate, the NSA/CSS Threat Operations Center (NTOC), and the Office of the Director, including Staff. Search of Covert Network Access technologies employed by Special Intelligence (SI) programs contained within compartmented access constraints is specifically requested, including QUANTUMTHEORY and related covert programs requiring covert Internet access. Please provide processing notes for this request, even if denied in part. yes, yes i will...