On Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 12:03:21 PM PDT, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:

>Swarm of disclosure/discussion servers is much better than the very
few famous seducing users and making it easy to intercept and plant
malware. Even so, Tor, WikiLeaks, SecureDrop, Signal, et al, are most
useful to divert attention from lesser knowns, in particular the
least known which appear, disappear, reappear, change clothing,
innovate, and resist bribery of investors, fans and all-siphon boogies.

The way I see it, there are at least two ways to promote TOR.   

1.   Openly promote TOR:   "TOR is great".  "TOR is secure enough".   "We don't need an improvement to TOR".

and the second is:

2.  Oppose potential improvements or augmented systems other than TOR.   List their potential problems.  Ignore their possible benefits. 

I think there are clearly people who are choosing to do the second kind of promotion of TOR.

              Jim Bell