[[[misplaced concept regarding: - people being impressed with you when young because you appeared smarter, but being influenced by culture to believe they could not do these things themselves - getting used to this, and acquiring status with innovation - this passing [for me due to disability] but in general due to people being able to ask an AI to do something amazing for them already, supplanting the need for the appearance of genius - still being frustrated that nobody believes they can do more than an AI can themselves if they just learn to - realizing that people will get _so_ numb using AIs that they will forget very basic forms of innovative creativity and maybe there will be a demand finally for people to teach this - despite the appearance of nobody appreciating impressive works, finally being able to teach people that anybody can think of and implement impressive new things. note: i think people do teach a little smidge of this in various places, such as introductions to engineering or to acultural skills. ]