6 Apr
6 Apr
5:10 a.m.
On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 04:42:08 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <pro2rat@jewhoo.com.au> wrote:
Fuck off 8-chan morons.
a couple of things to notice : a( trumpofascist turd/spammer 'grarpamp' uses a joomail account. b( right-wing nutcase nuke-japan, worship-isreal, professor turd uses a jewhoo account. both these clowns show their cypherpunk mastery of jewmail technology! Maybe they need to learn more Cypherpunk Scientology from jim bell? Get a musko-crony-mail?
yes professor turd. Please spam some more 'content' from joogle propaganda services. You are undoubtedly the emperor of cypherpunk science.