Dawn Richardson, Director of Advocacy for NVIC @NVICAdvocacy Feb 13 We are back! ❤️ Barb Loe, NVIC @NVICLoeDown Feb 13 Thank you, @elonmusk, for liberating @NVICLoeDown of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a charity founded in 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries & deaths through public education. The right to autonomy is the first human right. Break every chain! Barbara Loe Fisher Dawn Richardson, Director of Advocacy for NVIC retweeted Mary Holland @maryhollandnyc Jan 14 childrenshealthdefense.org/p… BREAKING: CHD Defeats NY State Healthcare Workers COVID Mandate! In a groundbreaking decision filed Jan. 13, 2021, NYS Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the... childrenshealthdefense.org iwantlibertees @iwantlibertees Are you suffering from