Someone( I don’t want to say his name) who knew Appelbaum a while ago sent me this message:

“Re:Appelbaum, he may or may not be a "toxic" person - I personally don't know what it's like to work with him. But it's also completely clear that people were falsifying accusations against him. And I can say from first hand experience, that people in Tor seemed to have a rather odd hatred of him that seemed to be more about jealousy. So I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

Of course he protected him. Actually, we were talking about another ex- Tor dev. Because I didn't like some of the words of this person. I always say Tor devs  have a dark side. When we talked about trust, (he or She) talking about what (he or She) and them  friends did to Appelbaum.(I didn't want to say their gender, so I wrote it) I don't know what Appelbaum’s like because I haven't met him. But I know about the Tor devs, and I don't trust them.

And I've been telling people not to use Tor for a long time

Açık Paz, Ara 12, 2021 00:33, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> yazdı:
On Sat, 11 Dec 2021 17:23:35 +0000
zeynepaydogan <> wrote:

> > As to appelbaum, he became a 'rapist' when he started questioning the Moral Perfection of the pentagon's fake anonimity network tor. Why would I believe a smear campaing coming from pentagon employees against a guy who's half telling the truth about the pentagon? What sort of 'justice' is it to post a bunch of anonymous bullshit on the arpanet?
> Moral Perfection? Can you explain that?

Actually I should have written : moral and technical perfection. I've heard appelbaum saying something like "you need to know what you're doing when using tor", the implication being that people who were not 'experts in cybersecurity' didn't get much benefits from using tor if any at all. He didn't look too happy when saying that because he was being too honest. Source is a video from some 'hacker' conference in germany or something like that. Sorry I don't remember exactly.

Then there's the ex-cia criminal working for tor affair.

but re-reading the chat log, I now think I gave appelbaum too much credit. So, appelbaum's lynching may perhaps be better described as some kind of internal gang warfare inside the tor mafia. Regardless, the accusations of 'harrasement' remain a complete joke (they were 'proven' by a 'private investigator' hired by the accusser LMAO)

The most important thing here is to look at the big picture and the big picutre shows that the tor project has been corrupt to the core since the day it was created by US military murderer paul syverson. By now the tor project has gotten tens of millions of dollars from the US military and it has always served its owners, the US military.

Also, EFF's piece of shit steele (whose job was to lynch appelbaum) deserves a mention as well.

"steele is married to Bill Vass, the vice president of engineering at Amazon Web Services." lolwut? But it gets a lot better : - Fucking wait, that page has been deleted! Too bad for the censors, there's a copy here

"vass was the President and Chief Operating Officer of Sun Microsystems Federal (a Sun Microsystems subsidiary focusing on business with government organizations). Before that, he worked for the Department of Defense and the U.S. Army."

So this piece of non-human shit vass, the husband of high-ranking EFF 'freedom fighter' steele went from the US military(NSA) to sun microsystem-NSA, to amazon-NSA. As a side note, sun was the joogle of the 90s. And cypherpunk gilmore was a high ranking sun criminal.

Yeah, these US nazis are their own infinite self-parody. Now think what kind of 'online privacy' 'activist' can be married to something like vass.