On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 07:50:09PM -0700, Razer wrote:
On 09/21/2016 06:32 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
The people in those Crown Colonies that became United States started refusing to pay taxes and surcharges, ignoring the orders of Crown authorities, and constructing their own systems of commerce and governance long before that "shot heard 'round the world." The Revolutionary War was more a response to a campaign by the Crown to take the Colonies back over, than a struggle to kick established rulers out. That is why the Revolutionary War had the necessary organization and mass public support to succeed.
There was no American Revolution. Revolutions are based on ideology.
Greed IS NOT an ideology.
("...started refusing to pay taxes and surcharges, ignoring the orders of Crown authorities, and constructing their own systems of commerce..." That favored ***THEIR*** WHITE RICH MALE interests.)
So pick a set of rules / proposed mass action, that will appeal to the target audience. Back then it was "rich" (trading/ land owning) white males, now it's what? Perhaps middle class mom and dad dual income family (making about the same as a single working "white male" back in the '60s - that's the comparison in Australia anyway) ? Pick a motivation (hip pocket/ money), map out a set of rhetoric/ propaganda that will have best chance of appealing to your target "activists", build your core (this may be the hardest part) then it should grow naturally, since you pitched the right audience with the right message. Don't bemoan "the racist elitist" past - they were successful in opposing the English Crown's attempt to bring them back under control - just learn from what worked already.