On 4/30/23, Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many <gmkarl+brainwashingandfuckingupthehackerslaves@gmail.com> wrote:
-- ideas for You Are Boss video game - instill hypnotic habits, triggers, experiences - via drugs - via social AI - via computer virus AI - via hypnotic session or coerced community member - via trauma - via indoctrination - via audio - reroute/interdict/mutate/implant/sabotage: - mail - website requests - networked or radio devices - send out a hypnotized victim to: - burgle - sabotage - swap records - take photos / change surveillance equipment - cut power / telecommunications - feed fake media such as radio, tv, or other environmental experiences - place devices - burn down buildings - rile crowds - pretend to be an arbitrary professional missed large scale category. institute regime change, spawn arbitrary message cults, adopt or destroy popular habits or memes