On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Patrick Chkoreff <pc@loom.cc> wrote:
Cari Machet wrote, On 04/03/2014 03:48 PM:
nobody 'owns' anything
Ownership is an exclusive right of use or disposal. If I wake up one morning and find you in my house eating my food, you-gonna be in big trouble Lucy.
its a lie you tell yourself - you were told its true its not ever heard of eminent domain ? ever heard of israel? lets not even talk about your paycheck -- Cari Machet NYC 646-436-7795 carimachet@gmail.com AIM carismachet Syria +963-099 277 3243 Amman +962 077 636 9407 Berlin +49 152 11779219 Reykjavik +354 894 8650 Twitter: @carimachet <https://twitter.com/carimachet> 7035 690E 5E47 41D4 B0E5 B3D1 AF90 49D6 BE09 2187 Ruh-roh, this is now necessary: This email is intended only for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use of this information, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email without permission is strictly prohibited.