Tucker is under fire and sooner or later may be "relieved of his position" with Fox - great irony of ironies, it's the so-called "liberal" "left" that wants Tucker's precious scalp: Soros Attacks Tucker Carlson for Saying True Things About Women Ten Years Ago https://dailystormer.name/soros-attacks-tucker-carlson-for-saying-true-thing... Tucker Carlson makes misogynistic and perverted comments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr1WnL070hc https://mobile.twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1104926022376583169/photo/1 7:04 PM - 10 Mar 2019 Media Matters caught me saying something naughty on a radio show more than a decade ago. Rather than express the usual ritual contrition, how about this: I'm on television every weeknight live for an hour. If you want to know what I think, you can watch. Anyone who disagrees with my views is welcome to come on and explain why. [classy response!]