rooty arpspoof at brotonmail.com Sat Dec 2 08:46:09 PST 2017
Danke Yule Joyful Yuletide to you and your family rooty.
the "pic" I have attached an larger version, a Time Jul, and a Suns.
wonderful info. Here is some more.
Christmas, as it is celebrated in the west, is the holiday of "Yule", which (((Christians))) "adopted". Pine tree is an evergreen. Evergreens stay green even in the darkest, longest, and coldest winter. Putting one up is a symbol of "life persevering". Red and white is blood on the snow, because Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, and Slavic tribes used to hang up animal sacrifices to the trees. Christmas ornaments, the round balls, are symbols for animal sacrifice, if they are red, or the sun, if they are golden, and green for life. Lights on the tree is a symbol for the rays of sun, twinkling through the gaps in the pine needles on the next morning, after the longest night of the year, the solstice. A star on top of the tree (although (((Christianity))) substituted an angel) symbolizes the duty of humans to strive toward enlightenment. (In folklore, the first humans were trees in which Odin breathed life, therefore the "Christmas" tree also represents humans.) Mistletoe was used by Loki to kill Baldur, Freyas son. Baldur was said to be immortal because "every poisonous plant, every animal, every weapon in the world" swore to never harm Baldur. The mistletoe was the only plant to not swear to never harm Baldur. Loki tricked Hodr, Baldurs blind brother, to stab him with a spear tipped with mistletoe (mistletoe is poisonous). This killed the otherwise invulnerable god and Freya swore that mistletoe shall never be used as a weapon again, dispensing kisses to whoever near it, instead. The Yule log (which some (((Christians))) still use) in the fireplace is an offering to the sun, the heat, the fire was said to strengthen the sun as it was the weakest on solstice, the longest night of the year. By giving the sun strength, it would rise again in the morning, reborn again, dispelling the night and growing stronger throughout the year, until the next winter. Santa is Odin disguised as a shaman. He goes into the chimneys to leave toys shaped like animals, usually reindeer, to appease the spirits of the animals which the humans hunted and killed through the year, and reminded people to keep a respectful relationship with the animals. Never to kill them needlessly and only ever taking natural resources, like their bones, their hide, their flesh. Never to trap their spirits or corrupt them. The eight reindeer are derived from Odin's horse Sleipnir, who has eight legs. Western "Christmas" is Yule. Living in the cold north of Europa, the sun was very important, and Yule was a celebration for it.