Oh how so few are brave enough to even utter, or further speak on, such a cypherpunk subject, what pussies, the whole lot of them, lol. Previously it was noted that many may elect not to ever partake in any analysis, coding, deployment of an AP system as they might presumably think that as being against their NAP worldview. Yet others have noted aspects, rational as they may or may not be, of "the means to an end", being an efficient, acceptable, one time lapse in such supposed principles, or otherwise being reasonable, and even perhaps necessary, to attainment of any degree of positive outcome in their lifetime, indeed if ever. What valid revolution that hath no solid spark? Still others debate any need to proof AP concept at the highest level first, if ever at all, versus merely proving that any lower level as an effective "threat" "just works", should any "targets" therein abd after be foolish enough to not elect to stand down at that moment, thus raising the necessity of any next level coming into effect. Now... we see more of the technological componenets needed to build such a system are coming online in their first generation rollouts... - The Internet - Strong cryptography, ZKP, TLS, etc - Overlay networks, WiFi, GnuRadio, etc - Blockchain tech, contracts, privacy coins... Eth, Zcash, XMR, mixes - Bidding, markets, and wagering systems... OpenBazaar, Augur - Distributed Oracles in crypto networks... Chainlink Distributed Oracles... this last bit is perhaps quite key. It addresses some ways to obtain and push (or pull as the case may be with forthcoming development of anonymous virtual compute and fetching programs, "viruses" ie autonomously executing and surviving as instances inside larger overlay compute networks), generating a consensus view of the outside envrionment (weather, news, insurance premiums and payout, sports scores, etc) down into the blockchain contracts for execution based upon resolution and assessment of that external data. https://decrypt.co/resources/what-is-chainlink The "Chainlink" "coin" may be one such first generation of an Oracle network now online. Where users may push obversations of their real physical world down into the virtual chain for a consensus to be formed over. Even top worldwide real world ol school "news" organizations would eventually seek to be profitably compensated by the consensus for providing their objective "vote" or "view" on what happened in form of newsfeed release then summed as part of consensus of verifiers. This function, separate and unknowable from the consumers of such data and providers of same, with natural uses being AP, among many others. Today anyone can deploy a centralized AP, and payout and release coin funds based on what they alone see or deem as the true news. But in the future there will be a crypto consensus of truth taken over all the news from all around the globe. This may prove to be a quite hard to corrupt thing, on the order of the "difficulty" of say Bitcoin-BTC today. Point being, in the last few years, perhaps with Chainlink as a first example of an Oracle, technology is progressing to where it is now almost possible to create a nearly autonomous AP system. The AI bot is the last bit, where Ethereum and others are supposedly trying to create some pre-first-gen bot compute platforms for that, payment of gas of course provided by the AP bidders, a fee as with any mutual fund. The Future being unknowable and often very far away, and the post-freedom non-diversity of the "globalist political homogeneity" situation worldwide thought by many to be and becoming *extremely* dire, it would not be surprising to find some risk taking entrepreneurs seriously launching a more centralized version of AP using the admittedly poor first gen components already available to them today. After all, as some say, any effective AP, by its very nature of having already proven some minimal degree of function (say mailing of feces to journos for example documentary purposes), will surely encourage and convince all rational "targets" to stand down well before any physical harm befalls them, lest such degree of function indeed eventually be applied to an unfortunate end. And is such benign encouragement beforehand not indeed an embodiment and cherishment of NAP at its maximum, best, and rational limits? Many might say yes. You decide.