On 2/21/2017 2:40 PM, John Newman wrote:
Henrik Selin, head of the Department for Intercultural Dialogue at the Swedish Institute, told us the surge of asylum seekers in 2015 has created challenges for Sweden, but he said reports from right-leaning media about a surge of immigrant crime have been “highly exaggerated.”
Progressive lies: We see videos reporting that certain substantial and important areas have become no go areas for white women. These videos are anecdotes of particular places and particular times, and could, perhaps like the anecdotes of global warming, be cherry picked and unrepresentative. But: We also see that thee interpretations of statistics that come up with reassuring pieties, interpretations of statistics that tell us Sweden is doing fine, are evasive, avoid presenting the data we are genuinely interested in, namely, Sweden's extraordinarily high rape rate, and what proportion of Sweden's extraordinarily high rape rate is the result of rapes by military age Muslims entering as refugee/asylum "children". From what these pious reassurances do not tell us, from what they avoid saying, from what is not said, we can legitimately infer that what the anecdotes do tell us is representative of the truth, that Swedes are submitting to violent Islamic conquest.