You can start by re-posting the leaked traffic logs... (Editorial discretion is frowned upon amongst the idealists.)

Maybe set up an onion, host on i2p, freenet (hehehe), ethereum, the blockchain, torrents. Spread it far and wide, set up a PKI, set up a WOT, keep it all offline.

If you're a real masochist you'll host the docs on some crazy 'website' with no indirection protecting you from legal/illegal/TLA action. Keep the info off the dark web, off the deep web and in the search indexes. 

Warrant canary (which won't work), encryption (you won't be safe) and signatures (secrets will be stolen.)

If you think you can survive as well as JYA, Deb & fare better than Assange, go for it. Be prepared.

It doesn't pay very well. You'd have to be crazy to do this.


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 9:16 PM, Michael Best <> wrote:
Ok, then I won't second guess why put up with it - I've avoided traditional web hosts because of all the headaches I had a few years ago. Maxed out on bandwidth, database calls, memory usage, etc. Only started aharing my archives online again when I decided to use and neocities. 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 9:01 PM, coderman <> wrote:
On 10/11/15, Michael Best <> wrote:
> Normally I'd give you the benefit of the doubt, John, but the last time in
> this discussion you said something was disinfo it was the logs.

i have hated network solutions since '98.

you're free to buy their services, if you'd like to confirm first person. :)

all of us are wondering what will finally be the straw too far for John...

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