On 5/2/19 10:40 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Celebrate the World Password Day changing or upgrading your p455w0rd$, dear all. <3
Oh, you know, "123456", "password", and "admin" are so old fashioned passwords... ;)
Passwords are so old fashioned - and they present the most easily and frequently exploited weakness in security systems. We do have solutions... Randomly generated pass phrases: http://diceware.com Most people will only need three or four pass phrases, including the one that decrypts / unlocks one's portable database of unique. 'randomly' generated, impossible to memorize, effectively brute-force-proof credentials: https://keepass.info/ Lose your database file, lose access to everything? Not likely - if you scatter copies of the database "everywhere", and update the copies when you add or change any credentials. Needs a "password education" or better, "password eradication" day. :o)