juan juan.g71 at gmail.com Fri Sep 22 12:13:41 PDT 2017
[do not] infringe other people's rights
the moment you publish them they are not 'yours' anymore. they come from other people.
So ideas are not the property of someone, unless it is a new idea, then it belongs to all those who thought before it, because it's 99.99999999% theirs. Do you even read before you post ?
privilege: a non-right
So we are in agreement.
copyright and patents
The legal terms are what we disagree on. The right to ownership is not. I concede to your argument against my defense of laws to defend things, seeable or not.
And you are accusing me of doing what *you* do? please.
If you think that the right to ownership can only be granted by others, which is what you argue when you say that the right to copy can only be granted as a privilege by some external authority.
at some point the cost of writing a full counterargument to a piece of bullshit is too high.
Budget limits. Request more money for the next fiscal quarter, fbianon.
United States of America was founded in 1776 as a slave society/concentration camp?
The United States is “a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bastards". -Bobby Fischer Prove Jews didn't own all the slave ships. Prove Jews didn't own most of the slaves. Prove slavery isn't a semitic tradition. Pro-tip: **You can't.**
national borders
I never argued for "national" borders. I tried to overstand your position on what defines a border and how these "imaginary" lines, physical or not, differ from those drawn in sovereignty of one's body ? You offered nothing but "not valid". Just like your "bullshit" argument; why ?
I do not cheat, sir. How dare you. =)