But wait, there's more: ** Hillary lies exposed. Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement signed by Clinton proves security indoctrination (http://theduran.com/hillary-lies-exposed-classified-information-nondisclosur...) ------------------------------------------------------------ hillary-clinton-emails-blackberry Did Hillary Clinton lie to the FBI or did she lie to the US State Department as she began her tenure as US Secretary of State? The post Hillary lies exposed. Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement signed by Clinton proves security indoctrination (http://theduran.com/hillary-lies-exposed-classified-information-nondisclosur...) appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) . ** A list of all the protocols and procedures Hillary Clinton “could not recall” during her FBI interview (http://theduran.com/list-protocols-procedures-hillary-clinton-not-recall-fbi...) ------------------------------------------------------------ a-list-of-all-the-protocols-and Hillary Clinton told FBI agents that she could not recall issues related to her email server at least 26 times. The post A list of all the protocols and procedures Hillary Clinton “could not recall” during her FBI interview (http://theduran.com/list-protocols-procedures-hillary-clinton-not-recall-fbi...) appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) . Salt in the wound for the exceptional nation: ** China rolls out red carpet for Vladimir Putin at G20. Obama forced to exit Air Force One from emergency door (http://theduran.com/china-rolls-out-red-carpet-vladimir-putin-g20-obama-forc...) ------------------------------------------------------------ putin red carpet No red carpet for US President Obama at the G20 summit. Red carpet extended for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The post China rolls out red carpet for Vladimir Putin at G20. Obama forced to exit Air Force One from emergency door (http://theduran.com/china-rolls-out-red-carpet-vladimir-putin-g20-obama-forc...) appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .