If you're not aware, another blockchain called Arweave is also purpose-built around preserving data for eternity via small payments in their AR currency. In summary, it works because miners need only store part of the chain, and are rewarded based on how much they store. https://arweave.org/ It's still engaging growing pains here and there. Its primary language is still node.js and there are presently some gateway caching issues people are repairing this month. A group called "textury" have set up a set of systems on top of arweave which attempt to provide increased ease of use, reliability, and automation. A primary tool is arkb, which provides automated upload from the command line: https://github.com/textury/arkb Arweave community telegram: https://t.me/arweavers Ardrive telegram: https://t.me/ardriveapp Textury discord: https://discord.gg/GtS2NzVAJG Here's the readme of arkb: # arkb Arweave Deploy that saves you data costs. ## Features - No file size limit. - No amount of files limit. - Doesn't upload files that you have already uploaded. ## How to use arkb runs using NodeJS and NPM. You must have both installed on your machine for it to work. Install arkb: ``` yarn global add arkb # recommended ``` or ``` npm install -g arkb ```
**Note:** The installation of arkb needs node >=15.11.0 or you will get an error when using `arkb`. To manage multiple active nodejs, we recommend you have [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) installed on your computer, then you can switch different node in a simple command.
And run: ``` arkb help ```
**Note:** If you are planning to upload large batches of data transactions to the Arweave network, it is *strongly* advised that you use the `--use-bundler` option instead of regular deploy to avoid transaction failures. You can read about bundles and their advantages on the [Arwiki](https://arwiki.wiki/#/en/preview/WUAtjfiDQEIqhsUcHXIFTn5ZmeDIE7If9hJREBLRgak).
``` d8b d8b ?88 ?88 88b 88b d888b8b 88bd88b 888 d88' 888888b d8P' ?88 88P' ` 888bd8P' 88P `?8b 88b ,88b d88 d88888b d88, d88 `?88P'`88bd88' d88' `?88b,d88'`?88P' Usage: arkb [options] [command] Options Description --auto-confirm Skips the confirm screen --concurrency -c <number> Multi thread, default is 5 --debug Display log messages --fee-multiplier -m <number> Set the fee multiplier for all transactions --force -f Force a redeploy of all the files --gateway -g <host_or_ip> Set the gateway hostname or ip address --help -h Show usage help for a command --ipfs-publish Publish to Arweave+IPFS --license Specify the license of your upload with an spdx li --no-colors Print to terminal without fancy colors --tag-name <name> Set a tag name --tag-value <value> Set a tag value --timeout -t <number> Set the request timeout --bundle Locally bundle your files and deploy to Arweave --use-bundler <host_or_ip> Use an ans104 bundler service --wallet -w <wallet_path> Set the key file path Commands (alias) Description balance (b) Get the current balance of your wallet deploy (d) <folder_or_file> Deploy a directory or file fund-bundler <amount> Fund your bundler account help (h) Show usage help for a command network (n) Get the current network info status (s) <txid> Check the status of a transaction ID transfer <address> <amount> Send funds to an Arweave wallet version (v) Show the current arkb version number wallet-export (we) Exports a previously saved wallet wallet-forget (wf) Removes a previously saved wallet wallet-save (ws) <wallet_path> Saves a wallet, removes the need of the --wallet option withdraw-bundler <amount> Withdraw from your bundler balance ``` ## Contributing 1. Create a fork 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-feature` 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'` 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature` 5. Submit a pull request 🚀