-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 10/18/2015 05:01 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 03:02:20AM -0400, wirelesswarrior@safe-mail.net wrote:
What the author means by "deep _state_"?
First I interpreted it as "establishment/country", then thought it might mean "condition" or something else.
I assumed this: http://cryptome.org/2014/08/deep-state-wins.pdf This essay describes the Deep State as "national policy decisions ... being forged by a small group of power elite ... bound together by shared class interests" and "the political process as being dominated by corporate interests which coalesce into factions and compete to guide policy." The TPP and similar deals under negotiation indicate that the 'establishment' in question is trans-national. The content of these negotiations indicates that its agenda is, as always, more money and power for the ruling class at any expense to anyone else. I just call it real life. Per my own pet theories, today's Deep State will self destruct by virtue of its own existence: Unbreakable commitments vs. Laws o' Thermodynamics, never mind the details. In that model, the actual "fall" of the Deep State is already in progress, as part of a complex and turbulent transitional period with historically unprecedented features. We do live in interesting times. One of the most interesting political features of today's novel social landscape is the Internet: Analysis and exploitation of group behavior in this new medium is all the rage in propaganda, PsyOps and marketing disciplines. Instant many to many mass communication is inherently biased to facilitate popular uprisings; among other things it breaks the State & Corporate monopoly on propaganda, and enables rapid ad hoc organization and large scale action by segments of the great unwashed public. Pushing back agaisnt State efforts to control "problems" created by Internet is a job for... um... isn't the word cyber-something? :D -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJWI4CEAAoJEDZ0Gg87KR0Lh4MP+waPxlK9Tdx1J16mzq098NqJ sX3taZ6/HLfn0EEkcTbaeupFm2SaVOoI3hCqNVa/2Gs1CwZ1WPRfvW61aAWQRGCQ 2iWe6k/cVdnmzjPBkhie2OAmoRilpw/S94U9fTzGGfkh5mcciJnoZtPtifsSOvfE gFfMTECKKa9y9srVRBqLTfZK8Aht4Cnekkf+hQKvzWJ+hn2/uM4c/e3Qsg9b+6ru Re+O+FYzWro0pVuhV6tktBtffCqPCoKGEYN/ZkBHXHP32zeH2MH1qRDeK3/s+4pP G5JL9waqNx/BhcXyD1KlOhwbU2ipEbxFFIG3Jx0V/cgbeL1TOIn8BiOabsGzXb68 LRBpsHbEh8g6WkF+XE3evp32X0DcFXtb5gO/pQ7hiWX/X4U40kAMjyTfrDWZ9crR +7CezwY2P1HVdhEOwlnacIcBaj1h+VEwiFfvt73l4Y3vz6lEqMUeKpFKMTnQ7gVU 0kVd1Z5jYbm5KwWzJLbX9AHBRplwye4AEIt+0wfHbmVGm6vEMBWP40i4+v0kIoJ1 zoUBQ+tFYVG8VvKIzbWInnmpH8gAHH6CXb0OIwN2Cwr82Hu08pv8DWAOm4DPwcQJ V5xzedWpv3bQq4Br+PqLdZY08Ek43LOGP/L5s7+d/CdEgHiwP7InmbuEA9lm66ub Wgc8lsTBY7mrk2UJI/cY =MqCw -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----