On Tue, 26 Nov 2019 20:19:52 +0000 coderman <coderman@protonmail.com> wrote:
see also: work he’s claiming credit for? - https://twitter.com/thegrugq/status/1197305715439751168
yes, I see. You linked a bunch of feminazi cunts from the pentagon. What's your take on that sorf of non-human scum? The cunts you linked are obviouasly appelbaum's accomplices, who now have stabbed him on the back. That doesn't mean they are any better than him. They are actually marginally worse, still working directly for govcorp.
The Doctor [412/724/301/703/415/510] Part of me has been picking up posts on a few mailing lists that seem to echo known text written by him. Been wondering if they were trial balloons to see if anyone noticed. - https://twitter.com/virtadpt/status/1197313208865849344