On Dec 4, 2016 9:04 PM, "juan" <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Maybe you don't, but quinn, whom you are so thouroughly praising, certainly does.

His convictions, not mine.

>         There's a rather big group of people who support censorship in this very same list and as far as I can tell you never speak against it or them.

Please, search better in the list archives and verify my older messages.  I already said it would _not_ be correct to moderate a cypherpunk list.

>         Furthermore, when the Tor Inc. pentagon nazis censored 'their' list your reply was something like "I don't like it but it is their list" - so you DO support censorship.

I was kick-banned of Tor-Talk list and everybody knows I didn't like it at all.  It was an unpleasent and pretty humiliating experience because Boyce said I was doing "rape apology" when defending Jake to justify my expulsion.

I cried for days, in several moments hidden in the bathroom of the office, because I didn't want to tell to my co-workers what was happening.  I didn't want more judgements about my past, my character, about my friend's life and more and more prejudice.  I was deeply hurt and the false allegation of "rape apology" still hurts a lot until now.

Boyce and the other moderators, including the 'fake victims', knowed I was already raped twice and about my emotional and physical scars.  It always will be impossible to me to do any kind of rape apology.  I was just questioning all the lies and the bullying against Jake, against one of my friends, a person who I knowed in person and loved a lot.

I don't think my expulsion was fair or correct, but I respected their decision, because it is a Tor Project list and it follows their management rules.  I am not saying their rules are right or fair, but Tor-Talk is one of their lists, Juan.  Their list, their rules.

I respect a lot of Tor Project colaborators in the whole world and their respective works, their sincere efforts.  I never would harm their work or would cause troubles because of injuried pride or revolt, Juan.  Sorry, it doesn't work this way.  I will fight against censorship when it will be necessary, not only for stubbornness or pride.
