On 5/12/19 9:59 PM, \0xDynamite wrote:
Sorry for this little diversion, If light travels at a. different speed for different colors in order to account for the rainbow of a prism, how fast is the. speed of light then?
The speed of light is a physical constant. The frequency (or wavelength) of a photon determines its energy and therefore, to the human eye, its color.
If light's speed is a physical constant, then light wouldn't separate into colors within a prism.
Is there real physics to optics? How can light know what direction to bend after it leaves the lens?
Longer answer:
I didn't see any example of how light knows which way to bend towards a focal point in that reference. Full disclosure: I already know there's no physical explanation to these problems. I am deist. There is no way to explain the rainbow, either. raindrops are MOVING objects -- whatever lensing effects that are present are nullified by the waving of the water near terminal velocity. Just a headsup for those who report to the Church (of Science). As a deist, I'm content knowing that forces in GOD make these things happen, and finally takes a load of my mind in explaining things like the double-slit experiment. (Which, btw, is beyond a naive "god does it", but an understanding of theology and METAphysics: how god optimizes processing and "computation"). Cheers, Marx's